Sunday, November 28, 2010
Run Wild for a Child, the aftermath
Friday, November 26, 2010
Giving thanks
Time to be serious and to share some thoughts. It's Thanksgiving weekend. I want to take the opportunity to reflect on the things in my life I'm most thankful for.
There are plenty of things I take for granted, that by no means are available to all, such as a roof over my head, food on the table, cloths to wear and healthcare. I'm thankful for everything I just mentioned. All of it enables me to live a good life. I'm thankful that all the basic necessities are so much a part of me that I can't really imagine how life would be without them. I even have a car to drive, a dishwasher, a wardrobe full of stuff and almost an endless supply of entertainment. And on top of it all, I'm healthy!
What makes my life great? People do. I've always pride myself in being an independent person. If I want anything done, I will do it myself. I'm self-reliant, self-motivated and self-confident. But would I be any of it if I didn't have people in my life cheering me on? I can call my self as independent as I want, but the truth is that I'm totally dependent on my loved ones.
My parents would do anything for my well-being. They always have my best interest in mind (even though I don't always appreciate it). My husband is the love of my life. I don't know how to function without him. My best friend is as much my soulmate as my husband. She knows me in ways no one else ever will. I gladly serve them my heart on a silver platter, and I thank them for handling it with love and care.
I have great friends. Some old friends in Sweden that I miss dearly. I have some friends in Europe, Asia and Africa I don't know when I will see again. I have new friends in the US who brighten my everyday. And then there are all the friends I've had but no longer know, from school, summer camps, work etc. I'm glad to have known you.
I want to thank everyone who has ever put a smile on my face. I can only hope that I have given as much as I have received.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I'm from Europe
Monday, November 22, 2010
Love is in the Air
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Emperor's new invisibility cloak
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Looptroop Rockers - On Repeat
Friday, November 12, 2010
Rom-Coms, fall 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
It's all in the hair
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Shopping brings happiness (sometimes)
So, what is the root of my happiness? A pair of shoes. I realize that this is my third posting dedicated to shoes and so be it, I love shoes.
For the past month I've been on the hunt for a pair of winter booties. I've had a very specific style in mind and I've been all over the place looking for them. As I am a bargain shopper I have also limited my choices to a very tight budget. Seriously, I live in California and will not be using my heavy black winter boots that many weeks of the year.
I found nothing. Well, I found a whole lot of lovely shoes, but not the perfect pair for the perfect price. So, what am I willing to give up? Giving up the idea of the perfect shoe or giving up on finding the perfect price? I decided to compromise the price. I had found a great pair at Urban Outfitters (one of my favorite stores). They were $69 and I had a 20% off promotion code to use online. However, I couldn't get the stupid code to work so I decided to drive to the store and buy them at the original price.
I almost tore the store apart. I couldn't believe they didn't have my shoes in store. I asked a shop assistant if they had more shoes coming in. She asked me which ones I was looking for and after trying to explain which one I wanted I was asked to show her on the computer. After going through hundreds of pairs of shoes, we found them. And they had them in store. In the sale department!
Online, they shoes I wanted was listed as "News" but in store they were recently sorted as a sale item. By recently I mean they were marked down yesterday! So, instead of paying $69 I ended up paying $19.99. Bring on the euphoria! I ended up finding the perfect pair for a perfect price and that is why today is a good day.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Music festivals 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Carpe Diem!
If I knew I was dying tomorrow or if today would be the last I would probably spend the entire day crying my eyes out. I would force my husband to stay home from work and hold me all day while I cried in his arms knowing that I wouldn't have time to say good bye to my family and friends, especially those in Sweden.
If I found out when I was dying, regardless of if it was tomorrow, next month or next year, I actually think I would mourn the fact that I was dying more than I would celebrate that I was alive. I think I'm enjoying life and making the most of it because I hope and believe it will last a long time, over a long life. I might die tomorrow or today, but my hope that there will be many tomorrows to come makes me happy and hopeful that I have many more happy days to live.